Monday, October 4, 2010

Ginger Smoke

Ginger Smoke is the tentative title of my forthcoming, future New York Times best-selling novel. It is also the name of the protagonist's 1970 Chevrolet Chevelle SS 454. Here is the long and short of it:

The One-liner:
Ginger Smoke is the story of two struggling alcoholics, a graphic novelist handicapped by a memory disorder and a cagey confidence man with a secret, that have to conceive their own support group to remediate their broken lives.

The Short Synopsis:
DEREK FINCHER has been living in the past, one where he was a soon-to-be-father and the acclaimed author of an award-winning graphic novel, ever since he was diagnosed with the profound memory disorder, Korsakoff syndrome. Now he leads a life that he can’t remember to forget and he’s losing everything: his marriage, his prized muscle car, and his will to live. That is, until he meets JERRY CASSIDY, a cagey confidence man that may or may not have the perfect plan to resurrect the lives they lost. Together they conceive their own support group and a unique form of therapy that will force the two to confront their addictions and their deepest secrets, and will eventually push both of them to face their self-induced deaths.

The Pitch:
If Fight Club and Memento had a baby, and it was raised by alcoholics, it would grow up to be Ginger Smoke.

See you on the shelves.

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