Tuesday, October 5, 2010

For My Birthday

The following is an email I sent to myself on the eve of my birthday this past March:

03/10/2010 01:33 PM

Future, wiser Jake,

Here it is, no more excuses, my definitive vow: I am going to write a complete novel before I turn 24. One year from tomorrow, I will finish the draft of my novel. I promise. I'm going out tonight and I'm buying you a birthday card and I'm writing this in there. Starting tomorrow, I am giving you a full calendar year. Despite our job, the CPA exam, another busy season, hundreds of hours of television on dvd I own or you will own, and any unforeseen life-altering events, we are going to finish our manuscript for a novel tentatively titled Ginger Smoke. This is my dream. You have to do this.

Past, younger Jake

There it is. Documented on the internets. Now, I just have to execute.


  1. Not only is it documented, but now you have a signed witness. 5 months left!
